Soul Session

Channelled Readings, Energy Transmissions and Healing

Feeling like you need some guidance?

Needing to get more clarity?

want to know the soul stories?

Let me channel the dragons, light beings and the collective of YOUR Spirit Team and higher self to bring you the insights, healing and frequencies that can best serve you now. Share with me your questions and wonders, let Spirit guide what comes through.

Explore your soul stories... of yourSelf, between your children, loved ones and all your relations.

Receive a recording of your channelled session within 72 hours, what may come through (but not limited to):

✴ Channelled verbal messages and guidance

✴ Transmissions of activating and / or healing frequencies through song and toning, light language and energy

✴ Suggestions, pragmatic insights or exercises to help you make choices, gain clarity or move forward

Some suggested question formats could be:

ex. What is the best course of action for [this situation] for my highest good?

ex. What soul story is impacting me [and my child / partner / sibling / etc] right now?

ex. What is the higher level perspective around [this situation]?

Ka Ta Ra is an expression of my Dragon self; I share with you my / your soul wisdom and cosmic remembrance through channelled transmissions and song.
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I am Katara sky

intuitive healer, channel, cosmic weaver

I have the unique combination of bringing my years of corporate experience with my counselling practice and spirituality, bringing insights and knowledge that drive personal growth and development in an intuitive way. Through conversation, energy and meditative techniques, and simply by exploring our personal stories, I guide you to a place of ideation, healing, and living greater potential.

My personal life story is an awakening to a life of radiance, purpose and wellbeing from a successful but lacklustre corporate career. Now, as a healer, teacher, cosmic weaver and activator, I share my work through 1 : 1 and group coaching, shamanic practices, light language, qigong / energy training and energy transmissions.


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©2025 Katara Sky - Awakening Dragons - All rights reserved