Become a Magnetic Presence

Be seen, be Heard
In Your Heart Aligned Authenticity

Portal opens September 2024

Be Heard, Be Seen
in Your Heart Aligned Authenticity

on Demand Course | Start Anytime


3 Easy Ways To Create A Comfy

Reading Nook

Like blue jeans, apple pie, and Saturday morning cartoons, we are the real deal. Like blue jeans, apple pie, and Saturday morning. cartoons, we are the real deal. Like blue jeans, apple pie, and Saturday morning cartoons, we are the real deal. Like blue jeans, apple pie, and Saturday morning.

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You are invited to activate more of your full expression.
The program involves:

  • One session a week for 8 weeks, focusing on a specific Spirit Ally and their archetypal energy

  • Two BONUS guest teacher masterclasses

  • Access to online Telegram community

  • Invitation to also join DragonSong community

  • Activation Session (available as an add-on)

Let the HeartSong journey liberate YOU so that you can:

Re-Member the Truths of Who you BE, Know Your Cosmic Inheritance

Re-Member the Truths of Who you BE, Know Your Cosmic Inheritance

Healing Energy Work, Unlocking Memories & Your Ancient Wisdom.

Healing Energy Work, Unlocking Memories & Your Ancient Wisdom.

Stay Aligned to Your Path of Light, Live Purposefully with Deepening Clarity

Personal Growth & Integration, re-claiming personal power & sovereignty.

Be Magnetic, Confident and Magnanimous in Your Authentic self

Practical Guidance to Express Yourself

More Authentically and Fully.

You are invited to activate more of your full expression.

The program involves:

  • One weekly live session for 8 weeks, focusing on a specific Spirit Ally and archetypal energy

  • Two BONUS guest teacher masterclasses

  • Access to an online Telegram community

  • Access to DragonSong Circle Membership (Stellar & SuperNova Package)

  • Remote energy clearing sessions (Stellar & SuperNova Package)

  • 3 Months of 1 on 1 Mentorship available (SuperNova Package)

Let the HeartSong journey liberate YOU so that you can:

Re-Member the Truths of Who you BE, Know Your Cosmic Inheritance

Healing Energy Work, Unlocking Memories
& Your Ancient Wisdom.

Stay Aligned to Your Path of Light, Live Purposefully with Deepening Clarity

Personal Growth & Integration, re-claiming personal power & sovereignty.

Be Magnetic, Confident
and Magnanimous in
Your Authentic self

Practical Guidance to Express Yourself

More Authentically and Fully.

Join the Journey!

Join the Journey!

Learn how to own your powerful presence...

Each week, we dive into a particular archetypal energy to explore how these stories and narratives show up in our life. This offers us a pathway to relate to ourselves (and our limitations) so that we may also grow and expand from the current story version of who we think we are.

We invite your personal and the collective stories to turn weaknesses and wounds into gifts and self mastery. We lean into the Sacred and work with Spirit Allies to help you integrate teachings into practices of powerful self expression.

Each week may help you re-member and re-claim pieces of yourself NOW available. Trust the process.

Allow yourself to be guided by the Sacred and you will receive what you need.

Each week, we dive into a particular archetypal energy to explore how these stories and narratives show up in our life. This offers you a pathway to relate to yourselves (and your limitations) so that you may also grow and expand from the current story version of who you think you are to co-creating the life you desire.

We invite your personal and the collective stories to turn weaknesses and wounds into gifts and self mastery. We lean into the Sacred and work with Spirit Allies to help you integrate teachings into practices of powerful self expression.

Each week may help you re-member and re-claim pieces of yourself NOW available. Trust the process.

Allow yourself to be guided by the Sacred and you will receive what you need.

HeartSong is about exploring your fullest expression available to you NOW. Let the journey help you to feel safe, confident, and free to be the powerful creator you are.

Living your HeartSong activates all that makes you sing, dance and be alive. You glow from the inside out, you feel vibrant, exuberant, grateful and part of the whole. Because you ARE.

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Like blue jeans, apple pie, and Saturday morning cartoons, we are

the real deal. Like blue jeans, apple pie, and Saturday morning

cartoons, we are the real deal.

Features and Bonuses!

Activations & Healing

from Your Spirit Allies

Foundational teachings from our Spirit Allies may include helping you to connect to your higher self and other spirit guides. The transmissions will reveal the activation energies, messages and healing frequencies YOU need, as YOUR spiritual family & guidance system helps filter what comes through for you.

Online Telegram Community

This is a space and intimate space to ask questions, share what's arising for you and continue to lean into the community should you choose to.

Additional Learning Experiences

Featuring two guest teachers who offer a masterclass each on spiritual topics to assist you on your soul's journey.

GUEST TEACHER #1: Galactic Ashley

GUEST TEACHER #2: Kelly Springer

Healing & Energy Transmissions

DragonSong is one of my current expressions of my own HeartSong, it's a small community online where you will find my monthly channeled group healings and energy transmissions.

This program is for you if you want to:

Be Confident in Speaking Your Truth

Be Confident in Speaking Your Truth

Identify, Unwind Stories That Keep You Small

Trust Your Sacred Song & Expression

Trust Your Sacred Song & Expression

Learn to Keep

Evolving and Growing

Learn to Keep Evolving and Growing

Amplify your

Impact & Influence

Amplify Your Impact

& Influence

Stay Aligned and on Your Soul Path

Stay Aligned on Your
Soul Path

About Katara Sky

Katara is an Intuitive, Spiritual Mentor & Educator, Activator and Cosmic Weaver. She holds transformative spaces to help facilitate conscious, purpose-seeking people to more deeply Re-Member who they are and Re-claim their Sacred Power through Ancient Song, Embodied Living & Unbridled Expression.

Changing the lives of hundreds of people across a worldwide community in her work of sacred circles, immersive workshops, healing and online courses, Katara helps people live a soul- led life with more clarity and purpose. Her background includes over a decade of working in corporate business across North America, Europe and the Middle East. She’s held senior and management roles in finance, strategy and business transformation until awakening to her own transformation and soul- missioned life. Her personal & soul development spans multiple disciplines include yoga, hypnotherapy, reiki, shamanism and energy healing, light language, qi gong, and counselling.

As a truthseeker, Katara is ever in wonder of the sacred mysteries. She relishes in the infinite realms of possibility and potential to co-create the highest destiny life where we take our sacred place of belonging within the whole.


What will I be able to sing by taking this HeartSong journey?

The program is designed such that you may be empowered to sing, speak and EXPRESS in your authentic powerful voice, but this program isn't to develop your singing per se.

I am not teaching you to sing words or melodies per se; rather I share how you can intuitively allow your sound expressions come through. This MAY be in sounds, toning, sung words, or spoken word.

Are there any requirements or prerequisites?

No. I will also emphasise that you do not need to have ANY vocal / singing / musical experience.

I suggest you bring an open mind, open heart and your clear intentions of wanting to express your soul harmonics and frequency. Let us play and explore together just what your soul song means and how it chooses to express!

Are the activations or energy work the same if I listen to the recordings?

Yes. In fact, I often re-listen to recordings myself (both my own content and others) so that I may receive another 'layer' of deepening work. Q&A and sharing reflections is encouraged in the online community on telegram (or in the DragonSong community).

How long will I have access to the program ?

You will have access online to our online session recordings for as this education platform is in place. You have soul time access to the transmissions and healing that take place. Personally I do suggest to join live if you can, and make the most of participating, asking questions and engaging in the online community designed to support your program outcomes.

What is the program timing and schedule?

This is an on-demand journey, recordings of the sessions and cohort of September 2024. The course will drip feed over an 8 week period as it is intended to include integration and processing time.

When is the next live program?

The next live cohort will be in March 2025.

Dearest Songbirds,

One of my wishes is for all of us to be liberated to fly and sing freely... it is in YOUR divine design to feel safe and valued in who you BE and express yourself fully. I hope to see you in HeartSong!


Katara Sky

©2024 Katara Sky