Awakening Your

Multidimensional self



Awakening Dragons

guiding lightworkers & visionaries with cosmic conversations, luminary transmissions and courses to re-member all you BE

Once upon a time, spiritualists and those ahead of their time in the awakening process - probably felt perplexed about why the truth of things needed to be a secret, safe only in the presence of others who also were truthseekers and conscious of their divine nature.We are ushering in a new era, perhaps a golden age where healers, medicine wo/men, priest/esses and sacred carriers of ancient wisdom will be revered, sought after and valued.

Lightworkers, those who live and serve to bring more light and goodness to the planet are rising. That's YOU, that's US; awakening in the masses now, remembering in our own way why we are here and reminding others to live from our heart, align to our highest self and remember our cosmic origins.

Let Dragons be allies to access your power, love, truth and transformation magick. Awaken your mystic allies and multidimensional aspects of self.

Dragon came roaring in while I was in in a shamanic journey to meet a new spirit ally for the year, while I was in the process of birthing a drum in a circle of women. I would spend the rest of the year long transformational retreat only flirting to know who Blue Star Dragon was. I've come to uncover my Dragon self emerging... and all that that means in my journey of cosmic remembrance, soul mastery and embodiment. We are all be invited into more purposeful embodiment on Earth in these times and be SAFE in doing so.

Awakening Dragons is a movement to inspire remembering humanity's multidimensional nature and continue to elevate ourselves and each other towards our highest destiny and timelines. We each have a piece of the puzzle, each of us a sacred 'code' and frequency in the tapestry of the whole. There is place for each of you, shining in your bright light, in all your glory and magnificence. This is the timeline we have all been waiting for, it is time for us to be all we BE, and feel safe that we can do, we can be seen fully and appreciated.

Gone are the days where we needed to make ourselves small, dim our light, or feel shackled in our wounds of insignificance, shame, and abandonment. Each of you have done so much work already to arrive divinely here. Together we can help each other rise, we help to shine the path of light for humanity and all who choose the path of awakening. We can safely be our noble, sacred and cosmic selves, and trust that each of us have unique key codes and frequencies to share with the world.

Let us have cosmic conversations together, let us journey and awaken each others' mastery and sacred gifts.

May you re-member with grace, ease and divine guidance who you BE and dance to the beat of your own drum.

Soul Musing with Keri

Love your life, body and soul today.

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Learning and resources for
self and soul expansion.

Monthly channeled messages

and light language transmission.

Catch the latest cosmic conversations on the Awakening Dragons podcast.

Learning and resources for
self and soul expansion.

Monthly channeled messages

and light language transmission.

Catch the latest cosmic conversations

on the Awakening Dragons podcast.


3 Easy Ways To Create A Comfy

Reading Nook

Like blue jeans, apple pie, and Saturday morning cartoons, we are the real deal. Like blue jeans, apple pie, and Saturday morning. cartoons, we are the real deal. Like blue jeans, apple pie, and Saturday morning cartoons, we are the real deal. Like blue jeans, apple pie, and Saturday morning.

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Birth your Medicine Drum Sacred Circles | Ceremonies

Birthing Your Medicine Drum and various Sacred Circles & Ceremonies are in person immersive experiences either bespoke for you 1 on 1 or held in a group setting. We have been sitting, sharing and weaving wisdom in circles far longer than we have not…

Let us remember the reverence for ceremony, where ‘special’ occasions are not only shared, but witnessed and celebrated. These experiences can enable and support powerful healing and self discovery for those looking to connect more deeply with themselves, with others and with the spirit world.

Themes of the month to explore

✨ Embody Your Power; Take Action

✨ Confrontation as a Path to Reconciliation

✨Everything Everywhere and All At Once…


Awakening Dragons Podcast

it's time to just normalise talking about our multidimensional and cosmic nature.

Awakening Dragons is about re-membering our multidimensional true nature. Tune into cosmic conversations with Katara and featured guests as they weave and activate energies for your highest destiny expression and embodiment to come online. Katara holds a vision in awakening people through the power of sharing stories and activating each other in our evolutionary journeys. Are you willing to awaken more truth, power & wisdom and transformation magick to create your destiny?






We are stars wrapped in skin - the light you are seeking has always been within

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Choose to receive updates with my newsletter, I share what's on offer and what's lighting me up right now!

I'm Katara, student of life, the cosmos and mystery.

Fellow lightworkers, I'm so excited to share my work and all I BE with you. It's been lifetimes and eons to arrive at this divine place and timeline now. It's time for all of us to rise and be the lightwarriors, space holders, healers, wisdom keepers, dreamers and weavers of the golden age. We have much to share with the world.


Katara Sky

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